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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 7] Democracy 4.2: Outcome

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

After the tutorial, Mor suggested us to focus on one single media, since it's a two weeks project and media is too big to focus on which might even confuse ourselves. Because there was already a group doing the online platforms, so we figured out it would be fun if we concentrated on traditional media ——newspaper.


There are two ways we can start with.

  1. Searching for the differences of the different newspaper reported towards the same social issue, like the words they use and so on. And stress them to let people know how these media using different expressions to manipulate the opinions of others.

  2. Since this is about how media leverage democracy, so we may take each part a, perform how media affect people 's opinion, result in affect democracy.

Those ideas got me thinking a book I used to saw in the store, all the images in the book consists of three colour: blue, red, yellow. And when you put filters of different colours, the image will be clear, since other colour has been filtered out.

How left or right-wing are the UK’s newspapers?

According to the report, we choose five different newspaper and four different topics.

Topics:marijuana(drug) ,Brexit ,Cambridge Analytica , Scotland Independence

Left:daily mirror/ independent/guardian/

Right:Sun/ daily mail /

I am in charge of "Brexit", and collected five newspaper about the same topic"Brexit", to see their attitude towards the same social issue, and how they organize their language

The Guardian:

The Sun:



The attitudes of various media have been expressed very clearly, whether they for or against Brexit. After highlighting all the words which have political preferences,

I make the layout of the newspaper of two versions: left and right, and overlapping them together.

Visual Test

The whole project consisted of two parts: the coloured filters and newspaper.

coloured filter:we choose to make filters into glasses which is inspired by old 3D glasses you will get in a cinema .

Abut frame, we went to 3Dworkshop with the cardboard we brought from home, using laser cutting to let glasses into shape, its truely an efficient and precise method. About the coloured filters, we failed to think an artful way to make it, so ended up with processing it Manually. We worked as an assembly line, so this process didn't take long.

Print Newspaper

Final Edition


It's always good to get everyone involved, within the process, we are not able to real the perfect result of this newspaper(we also thought about, using screenprint to print this newspaper, rather than printer, howver, we did not have much time for it), so I do enjoy the process, like when we stucked, and when we mannaged to solve it.

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