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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK41] FMP: Prototype2- Idea of iPhone widgets

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

Metaphors in interaction design:

People learn more quickly when an app’s virtual objects and actions are metaphors for familiar experiences—whether rooted in the real or digital world. Metaphors work well in iOS because people physically interact with the screen.

They move views out of the way to expose content beneath. They drag and swipe content. They toggle switches, move sliders, and scroll through picker values. They even flick through pages of books and magazines.

From the feedback from last week, I found that my idea, somehow hard for people to understand, as lots of people don't know where to start.

Also, if put the design into real scenery, as John suggested, he has shown me her screen, there is no place to see the background, all covered by icons of applications. If my design gonna change the current hobbies of people using their phones, maybe there would

Rather than transfer my ideas into a digital model, to let the users test in the screen, I choose the illustrated widget, which is more effective and more interactions, also feel more like the game, increase the

So I put the real scenery into my design proposal, which covers the whole process, including where to start, and how to add it to the desk, including where to start, and how to add it to the desk.

Widget plan

The new function launched by the iOS 14 system provides me with new possibilities. I transform the wallpaper into different widgets, so as to make it much easier for people to comprehend, and besides, the module form enables me to add more functions and layers to the design.

  • Sounds of the park:

In a study published in Scientific Reports in March 2017 said nature sounds could reduce the "fight-or-flight" signals in the brain and speed up recovery.

Park as one of the nature place, containing lots of different sounds, like "birds singing", "wind blowing", "sounds of the lake". Besides, researchers also said Background nature sounds can ease patients into a restful sleep. So this widget separate individual sounds from the chaos of park sounds.

  • Weather widget:

In order to link with the phone behaviour, but also got a certain function which it weathers broadcasting, but the weather would change due to your behaviour as well. If you hold it too long, the clouds would come to shade the sun, if it is rainy, the widget would hold the rainwater, and another visual way to evaluate your phone hours.

  • cultivate your park

In order to form good habits, iPhone launched "screen time "function, however, as it would directly stop you from using your phone, might cause some inconvenient in necessary occasions. This widget thinking in a more motivating way, using rewards rather than punishment, when you successfully control your screen time, you will be rewarded a tree, and use 21 days and a circle.

  • park map

Park map is a location-based widget, it would locate your position, and told you the nearest park, encourage you to walk outside.

  • billboard

As in the research, some people mentioned that they would feel anxiety due to the negative social new. So I borrow the billboard in the park, people can get information actively rather than passively.

  • trash bins

It is used for bin the red dots and annoying massage.

  • mailbox:

To stop the users from continuous interruptions, the mailbox is able to collect the notification and sort them in different categories. and send to you as the time as the frequency you set.

User test

I invited three of my friends to do the user test. After introducing the function of different widgets. I asked them to choose the widgets they desired and put onto the phone model they chose.


Kokling Chu 25 Photographer

Choose: The park map/ trash bins

This one reminds me Zinly, in Zinly, if you went to a place more than 10 times, you will get a medal. Also, during the lockdown, if you stay at home, you will also get some prizes, which I thought is very motivating, and I love parks if I am able to know how many parks I visited in London, would be a good souvenir for me


Yushang Tang 23 Photograph student

Choose: weather widget

Connecting the screen time with weather is interesting, I love the tidy desktop, the rainwater and clouds will surely annoy me. That will make me want to put down my phone.


Yueyao Chen 20 Fashion Student

Choose: Cultivate my park& Mailbox

The growing forest is quite interesting, and I think what important about this widget, is help you to cultivate you a habit, since the research also said, 21 days will make you form a habit.

Phone use can not be directly limited within several days, I do think it’s a long term work. I am happy with this mailbox as well, I do not like notification, but for some APP like INBOX, the notification from the school or tutor is very essential, but mostly there is just promotion E-mail, especially within the black Friday.

I still need the notifications, but maybe this can help to minimize the distractions.


As they are friends, they are freer to communicate their ideas.

After I got the following feedback.

-Easy to use

-Cut down the steps about setting up

-Flexible size to fit iPhone of different modes

The user test and positive feedback push my design to a new level, I continue with this widget plan and started my digital design.

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