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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK42] FMP: Design In the process

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

The user test and positive feedback push my design to a new level, I continue with this widget plan and started my digital design.

  • Flow Chat:

  • Visual design

the key point of visual design is to use a relaxing colour and decrease the strong contrast and extreme bright-colour.

  • Cut off the steps

As I look through the process of "TURN OFF THE NOTIFICATION FOR A CERTAIN APP" and "SET UP A SCREEN TIME FOR A CERTAIN APP". they respectively need 4 and 6 steps.

I want to make it easier to modify "within 3 steps", maybe when people set up their goal, they do not know how much per cent they would be able to achieve it. one it failed, user's confidence would be undermined.

  • Detail design

When I am experiencing the competitive product, "offscreen", it's also an app to help you to use your phone better. However, it makes it more anxious, as it used words like "failed".

So, in the final outcome, I would avoid aggressive words and colour as well.

  • Sounds design:

The sound is very important, and add a sense of reality into the design. I am collecting the sounds, for example, the sounds of notification are thought disrupting,

maybe I could replace by the sound of "knocking the door" or "wind blowing".

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