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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 5] Gravity 3.2: Outcome

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

Everything takes the responsibility of our understanding of gravity, what if one-day gravity the power was pump out from the earth, what the world would be like. How will we reassign our space, redesign all the furniture, even the language we use may also change.

  • Leandro Erlich, an internationally exhibited Argentine conceptual artist created a series of artworks which can make people feel they are in a disordered world by optical illusions

  • Sandy Skoglund (born September 11, 1946) is an American photographer and installation artist. Her works have lots of connections with Surrealism. Her photography is like a stage set, emphasizing the mix of real and fantasy, with strong and strong visual effects and wild imagination.


We made our decision of making an anti-gravity room, which put the gravity in a totally opposite direction. In order to add this sense of drama, we paint everything into white which is inspired by Maison Margiela.

Maison Martin Margiela exhibition in Munich
Maison Martin Margiela Installation in Paris; photo © Dimitrios Tsatsas, Stylepark

maison martin margiela white rooms

The 3D workshop offered us loads of assistance on how to paint that manufactured furniture into white in a more effective way. We wanted to use paint spray but failed since it is too thin to cover the original colour, instead, we use brushes and thick white paint and it worked perfectly.

After all the furniture was dry, we started our installation, include every detailed, like the up-side-down "welcome " stick on the door.


We got some amazing feedback, from our classmates, Mel said, this gave her a feeling of pressure even there is not anything fell in her head. Sometimes I am so familiar with our project, it's hard to feel the impact of your work and I felt like if we can get more time, add sound or more elements into this instalment, like a bizarre soundtrack, may add more spice to this dazzle and no gravity room.

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