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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 3] Conversation 2.2 Outcome

Updated: Jan 9, 2020


After the tutorial . We changed our focus to"Choices Making", most customers, especially the female, spend loads of time comparing the similar items, feels like small conversations are happening between human and those introductions, brands, price tags, or shape of bottles etc, so many things affect their selections, and we started our brainstorming about this keyword, then selected the words we interested in:

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Second-speed dating

So we started our second-speed dating, focus on human daily, which is focused on

several scenarios like shopping or having class. The difference is we convert the conversation into a self conversation rather than having a real talk with people and showed all the speed dating to the target group.

Second speed dating,

Than another Interesting idea occurred to us since we realized "self conversation" is not only happen in specific occasion, It exists in every gap of our daily life and so frequently and quickly that we barely realize it. Everyday ,we make countless choice, sometimes even do not realize it is a choice, for example, is a common morning, a voice in your mind is saying: get up! otherwise, you would be late for class, while another voice in your mind is saying: it is okay for you to sleep ten more minutes, feels like every day you choose from "angle" and "devil", that is the rational part of our brain and emotional part of that, rational thoughts keep our make professional decision while the emotion one make us do emotional behaviour.

Change our focus

Human body could be regarded as a machine, consisted of distinct parts, your mind consistently taking to your brain, your brain changes to a certain behaviour.

In woody Allen's film, he describes a date between a couple, he acts as a little sperm, which he executes commands from the brain, but also has its own thoughts. In this comedy, the human body is like a big factory, your movements are the result of your nerve and muscle brain.

The definition of a machine is a piece of equipment with several moving parts that uses power to do a particular type of work. The human body may not be called as "equipment", however, different part of our body do work together, to finish the task.

We started the most basic thing: daily routine, how much choices you need to make normally, and what affected your choices. For instance, the time you wake up affects your transportation method to school. the Time you arrive at the class, and where your friend's seats, affected where you seat in the class.

in the form, we found our that your rational thought and perceptual thought, both contribute to your bahavior and the rational one, keep you clear, however, people would never make rational decision forever. It is perceptual thought to make us different. So we reached our agreement of making a video to clarify our idea, and invite one of our classmates to experience it.

There will be other people act like machine one, keep ask volunteer questions, when you answer the question, you also keep constantly communicate with your brain, with

those rational thoughts and perceptual thought.

Final outcome

So as a result, we made this conversation as the one happened between you and yourself, rather than using technology. we regard the human body as a machine, just like "5-why" research, explore the initial of your heart,

Sakichi Toyoda, the Japanese industrialist, inventor, and founder of Toyota Industries, developed the 5 Whys technique in the 1930s. It became popular in the 1970s, and Toyota still uses it to solve problems today.

There are many good works of our classmates, some enable the machine ability to talk and make friend with human, just like Google Home. Another question aroused: do we need to build this emotional bond with AI? As a student major in UX design, I treat technology with exhaustion, how to combine technology and design and experience ingeniously, avoiding subjective and anthropomorphic conceptional, is a very important question.

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