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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 1] Sensory Design 1.1: Filed trip & Initial idea

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

Brief: Design an experience that centres on human senses

Teammates:Ann, Felix, Tonicha, Lili.Pat.

Filed trip:

Since this topic is about experience, teachers led us to experience London for one day. We went to several palaces to experience London, exposed ourselves to the atmosphere in London, using all the sense to build our impression of this city.

Trip routine
Gabriel's Pier

Sensory map:

I made a sensory map of each spot. For example, Borough market is strong when talking about taste and the Monument had breathtaking scenery so it worths amazing mark in sight,but had no mark in taste.

Sensory Map
Emotion Flow

1. When I was walking on the Thames riverbank, the material under my foot constantly changing, from soft sands to small rocks, then bigger rocks.

Not only the touch changed the sounds also varied from time to time, at first you felt soft, and then a little hurt, when you step on the big stone you become careful, otherwise might slip on the ground for it was a raining day.

So I figured out maybe we can create a Footpath to simulate the experience that you walk from riverbank to riverside by changing the material under your foot.

2.our trip from extremely noisy place to a quiet place, it a transfer not only your physical location but also your state of mind. We picture that whether it is possible to create your mood from annoyed to calm.

3. As shown on the sensory map, different spots have different marks on separate senses. When you are seeing the busy scene, when hearing the gentle wave of the sea, feel the soft touch of the wind. This contradistinction might leads people to an

Chaotic space


It just exactly like life, we all gonna die someday, that is the same destination.

5. Another interesting scenario is when we walking from a spot to another one, people would choose people who speak the same language to walk with, languages seem to act like a wall separates people apart, when I people walk beside me speaking the same language which I don't understand ,will soon lose my interest about it and walk away.

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