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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 15] CULTURE MILE: Middle meet point

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

As we are about to do the presentation in the Barbican to our clients, we need to subdivide our ideas. Tanvi did some researches about the Multi-sensory Storytelling (MSST).

Multi-sensory storytelling

Multi-sensory storytelling (MSST) is an approach to storytelling in which ‘stories are not simply told but can be experienced with all our senses’ (Fornefeld, 2013). The act of narration is supported by the use of relevant objects, chosen for their sensory qualities (e.g. feel, smell, sound, weight, temperature) and for their appeal and relevance to those experiencing the story. MSST was first conceptualised as a specific approach in the late 1980s by Fuller (Fuller, 2013).

As I mentioned, we are going to let our target group experience different history, through different media.

Missing post

I thought about the connection between butcher and animal been sold in that area. so the missing post idea popped up, also the market went through the great fire, loads of fireman dead due to this, lots of families suffered from this, we can also use posts to memory them.


Designing an old newspaper about information from the olden times, like they were selling their wives for money. Like the metro newspaper, we can place it outside the tube station, when passersby pick one and take away, they will found out it is about the old-time, get to know more about what the Smithfield have in ancient time.


I gained some knowledge from team building activities, there are lots of similarities between our target group, so they might have lots to share with each other.

However, the time thing is what we gonna pass to the public, there is a game called "pass the parcel", a prize(or "gift") is wrapped in a large number of layers of wrapping paper. Usually, each layer is of a different design so they can be easily distinguished.

We want to write the information in the layers when doing the pass the parcel, participants will get separate information, when the information raised their interests, they will have to communicate with others to exchange information, this is a way to access the whole story, also bring people together.

Projector mapping

Those I mentioned above are more like traditional ways, as for more modern way,

Alex thought of the projector mapping we learned in the software class. By this, we can embody the story by utilizing different senses.


Streetmuseum is an augmented reality iPhone app created by the Museum of London that allows you to browse historical photographs in various parts of the city, the majority of people own a phone, buy scan the street, they can view the scene that two eras of overlapping.

Presentation in the Barbican

We should have thought about the hierarchy of presentation, we decided to make part of our presentation a perceptible and experiencing environment. Alexander started the presentation with a story she made up, it is a story about BARBICAN, it really captured everyone's attention, after this, our partners can not believe this is just a story she made up, Alex got everyone to believe this story.

We told them we want to focus on the idea of storytelling as a way to enrich the historic culture of the city of London. We started thinking of effective ways to go through with this idea, specific to the urban legends and historic stories of Smithfield. We have started ideating on storytelling and how to relate them to our target audience. We tried making the tragic stories have a little comic element in them so that people do not face a hard time to get involved in the history of Smithfield.

After this, we got lots of amazing feedback from the culture mile and our teacher, like how to include the concept of time into the stories, They also told us to merge all ideas and come up with a cohesive idea, maybe by now, our idea seems a bit Fragmented, Alastair spoke about how we can scale this whole thing,


1. Design different ways to tell the stories around Smithfield and the city of London

2. Research about the specific locations of community gatherings of the target audience.

3. Research about building a way to experience a story through multiple senses.

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