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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI


Updated: Apr 7, 2020

  1. we only 5 minutes to do this presentation, including the whole term projects.

  2. there will be over 60 people in the small UX studio if we wanna offer everyone a choice to experience, it might be a mess and out of control.

  3. this project is location-based. However, we failed to lead people to that area, how to navigate the limited space in the classroom or campus

  4. lots of people in the classroom are not know our projects before, unlike our teachers lead us throughout the project, how to let those people who have no idea about what we have done also get involved.

I associate the presentation in the barbican, Alex started with telling a story, which made everyone believed, we all believed to start with performance would be a great way to let people who are presently involved in our story.

  1. each of us in charge of our own part, I will dress like a butcher. and Hannah is Babe the pig, Tanvi and Alex is the husband and Grace respectively and preparing the costume by ourselves.

  2. people walk in the room.

  3. Lili hands then the flyers, do a little performance, and keep saying did you see my pig, babe? I lost it in the Smithfield." Then, Hannah will move around the classroom.

  4. When it is our turn to do the presentation, Tanvi and Alex will carry the performance of selling wife, which is the plot of Grace's story. When auction going one, people will place bids on it.

  5. Above all are our experienceable part, we assume there will have 5 mins remain, so we can start to introduce our ideas to people.

Final presentation

According to the schedule, I dressed up as a butcher with an apron on, distributing the flyers to the people who are presented and said my lines: did you see my pig.

We started the presentation with the performance of selling girl, in order to boost our performance, we asked some of our classmates to place the bids.

After all those experienceable parts, we started to introduce the works we have done, the different media we want to use in the storytelling.

Future perspective
  1. These narratives can be used as a good way to interest people in the city of London in the history of Smithfield.

  2. With the upcoming museum of London in Smithfield, these artefacts can be used as an advertising campaign for the museum as well.

  3. Stories can help reach people on the go who do not necessarily have time to participate in all cultural events.

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