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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 14] CULTURE MILE: Time&storytelling

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

Our preliminary decision is about the history of the Smithfield, so In the tutorial, we told John and Mor about what we have done, and next stage, Mor supported us with another perspective, time is not just about history which would take a long time to get into shape, it could also about time within a day, and advise us to do some research about time.

It is like time in two different forms, we regarded history as a horizontal scale of time, a day as a vertical form. We want to try our best to integrated two kinds of time together.

we divided the time into four periods, golden hour, lunch hour, rush hour, happy hour, and assigned to separate teammates. Also, a different time slot can partially represent the different, for instance, lunch hour can explore the food culture and happy hour can explore the pub culture.

My part is lunch hour, therefore, I went the Smithfield in the lunch hour(12 pm-2 pm).

Here are something I observed:

  • people are still very rushing during the lunch hour and usually accompanied by acquaintances, like colleagues.

  • some of them still working even in the lunch hour.

  • they will smoke after lunch against the wall.

  • people have more time to chill than the rushing hour,

I asked a nurse who has been worked in the Smithfield area for 5 years about the food culture here and some general question:

  • she had no idea about what is culture mile and the activities they hold.

  • People who work here may not live around, this area are full of the middle class or upper.

  • she usually eats out alone during the lunch break for she wants to escape from work for a while.

  • she would discovery the restaurant around by herself rather than stick to the same shop.

  • She believes the existent fo the Smithfield do improve the food material quality of this area, the ingredients must be fresher than others.

After this, there was a concern in my mind, where are our target group(Kaleidoscope creatives), or who are they, what occupations they are doing? Because we doing this research in this area, but according to the information that we have, 60% of them live on less than 20K£ per year, it is not a decent salary in London, so maybe lots of people we saw in the culture mile area are not our target group.

While researching on the target audience, Kaleidoscope creatives,

we figured that we would need to entertain the whole family to get them involved in the history.

We also figured that most of the target audience is always in a rush while in that area and are always on the go.

We would like to design a way for the people to experience this culture of storytelling by actually being in that place. We are also mapping where our target audience usually has a community gathering and would like to intervene in these places.

Behaviour mapping

After finishing each's part about time, we combined them into one behaviour map, and using disparate colour to show different activities, the yellow one means to chill out, like just hanging around, and the red one means eating the yellow on behalf of smoking, as can be seen, people would chill out in the rotunda park, and eat in the two sides of the rotunda.


When Alex doing her research, she entered a Pub, in the Smithfield asking for some information about the happy hour, the owner told her an urban legend story about a butcher, she wrote it done for she thought it's quite interesting. When doing the presentation, she retold the story to Mor and John, they are laughing about this story. However, tutors thought this kind of way could literally bring people into the story, but not just by voice but more ways to tell the stories.

We figured that we want to focus on the idea of storytelling as a way to enrich the historic culture of the city of London. We started thinking of effective ways to go through with this idea, specific to the urban legends and historic stories of Smithfield. We have started ideating on storytelling and how to relate them to our target audience. We tried making the tragic stories and black history of the Smithfield have a little comic element in them so that people do not face a hard time to get involved in the history of Smithfield.


we use brainstorming tried to figure out more ways to telling stories, I used conventional way and digital way to start brainstorming, tell stories isn't something only happens in modern life, it exists in ancient time, that is how we knew what happened in old times and inherit the knowledge of our ancients, back then people used books and caved on the stones to keep knowledge, nowadays there is more diversity, like movies, VR, music, etc. So if we use ancient ways to tell old stories, will add to the touch of realism and vice versa.

We picked four ways to present storytelling methods, we also considered the way to get people involved in, like playing games.

Overall of the 3rd week

This week we managed to narrow our theme, to one certain concept, time and narrative. Next week is our middle meeting point with our cooperators, so before that, we have to sort out more specific methods and visualize our ideas, so that our partner could provide with some suggestions based on what we have done.

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