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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 18] CULTURE MILE: Implementation of the idea

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

In the tutorial, we are considering how to integrate the whole idea, I feel like our idea is not linear. whether the media we use or figure we use. Based on the suggestion they gave us, we will try to make it more comprehensive for our target group.

To address this problem we think about movie and tv-series and games, the Non-Player Characters could be an idea to expand, this character who goes through the stories maybe not need to be the real figure, we can create according to the history we want to tell, as long as those figures can connect the history and make sense.

We divided the history into 4 time periods, the victory time, the great fire time, the modern time and the future of the Smithfield.

Three Narriatives

We designed four characters to tell the stories, we had a conflict about how to organize the stories by using four characters, whether to let the characters left the footprint in the same artefacts, but in the different age, like the function of the fountain would change with time. Another idea is different figures experienced artefacts based on the era they live, but the start and the end of one character will overlap with the others.

John recommended us to watch the movie, Cloud Atlas, this movie described separate time, but there do have connections between each other, we wanna made our characters separate but have a connection with each other.

For example, we chose a pig (animal) as a character, butcher's part will overlay at the end of the pig story, the butcher will chase the pig, then entering the next era naturally.

  • Grace:

daughter of Rodger Wallace Willis, a well-known tailor in Smithfield a neighbourhood of tailors in the city of London.

  • Babe

Babe, a young piglet, belonged to a butcher in the community. He was raised in a farm with his siblings. Babe was in a carefree world of his own, enjoying the meals which he was fed.

  • Butcher

After a successful day of selling his pigs at the Smithfield meat market, a butcher called Jack was very pleased. He lived a fruitful life and was always able to provide for his wife and children.

  • Peace memorial statue

The year is 2195, what used to be England is now is no longer a democratic state. The European Union is fully dissolved and humankind is on the bring of extinction.

But after the tutorial, John advice us to keep the future part uncertain would be better, since the future could not be defined.

How to tell stories

Multi-sensory storytelling, to use could be rather confusing, how to create a trigger to let our potential users explore to explore by themselves. There is a magazine I got from the museum association, talking about using different forms of maps to do the storytelling.

It reminds me of the pop-up map, which is very popular nowadays, comparing to conventional books or maps, this is more playful and draw people's attention in a flash.

1.Pop-up Map(trigger):

you can get this outside the Smithfield, and rotunda, where most people would gather at according to the behaviour mapping we already done.

Due to the flaws of multi-media storytelling, we gonna use pop-up map as a hub because our projects are location-based, we can use this map to tell four stories, and provide the mine information about each story, also tell people in which area they can experience the story, so they would not feel that confuse.

Besides, I and Hannah thought about the hidden information by using moire patterns, if you wanna get the whole story, should put part of the map into the specific architecture. By doing this, visitors can explore the area as an adventure.

Making Proces

2.Telephone (hearing)

We designed this part for the young maiden story,

when passers-by stop to wonder why this antique phone placed I here, there will be a ring followed by a conversation, people in the telephone talking about the gossip of the young maiden in a London accent,"did you heard that..." A sense of period was evoked by the shape of the phone and the accent.


The flyers are about the babe the pig, the butch will hand others a flyer, asking about did they see his pig, and add some reward into it.

We got this inspiration from the immersive theatre, which combined the performance and interactions together. We linked the missing posts with the missing history there, the Smithfield market has been refurbished several times, but now it appears very bright colour.


It is a newspaper talking about the daily events but set the time at 18centry.

When people pick it up outside the tube station, or chill at the rotunda park, they might pick it to read, and discover the ridiculous history there, and raise their curiosity about the history underneath the area.

5.AR Game (technology)

In order to create a more interactive way, pokemon gives me some inspiration, can we design an AR game, like help the pig escape from the butcher, help the girl escape from her husband, find out why the girl being executed and so on.

However, the actions of individual lives will impact one another in the past, present and future, the small change will change the settings of the whole story, so we postpone this idea until it logically make sense.

6.Projection Mapping


In the butcher's story, there is a ghost, Alex dressed up as a ghost, we use the laser-cut, to get a man-shape plastic we can project to.Also, some other thoughts about this media, some the artefacts in the Smithfield have a history over thousands of years, they literally witness everything, we can use the projector mapping to simulate the change and separate time, for instance, projecting a victoria architecture to a modern building.

In next week we will welcome the final presentation, our team will discuss and reference the previous experiences, to organize the 10 mins we own.

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