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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 39] FMP: Diary study&Mapping the idea

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

Diary study

The answer may be associated with the responder’s current state of mind. I want to know how our lives are over- crossed with phones. I started to record my day and also invited three people to get involved. We are supposed to write down our one-day journey about when we are using our phones and recording the purpose and applications with a review by the end of the diary.

Clean WANG:

To be honest, I use my laptop much more often than phones. But perhaps, like most of the people, the function of phone and PC are different, so I need to keep my phone on as well, just in case someone needs my help.


Chujia SHEN:

Because I tried to quit social media, phone use become simpler for me, I only choose instant massage and video application on my phone. Because during the day, I am too busy at work, when I am off work, would spend whole night watching Video. And it affect my sleep to a certain degree.


Lijun li:

As I am staying at home for usual, I found that my life mingled with work and entertainments. It would be harder for me to sort out what time is for leisure, and what time I should be focus. Usually, when I study for over 15 minuets, I would check the updates of my phone.


Candy GU:

When I am at work, most of my time is occupied with work matters, so I feel relax to play my phone using my during the lunch break, but I often forget to take a nap because of this. I always use my mobile phone more than expected. Then it was work that brought me back to the track.



  • Phones use are not always annoying, it can provide a canal from the busywork.

  • There is no regulation of the time we use the phone.

  • different people got a different habit of using their phone so as the distinct application

  • It would affect our sleep if the user can not stop scrolling before bed.

Mind mapping

I started to mapping out the elements to get inspired. To see if there are anything I could link together.

  • Yellow note:The facilities in the park

  • Red note: interactions in the park

I started to mapping out the elements to get inspired. To see if there are anything I could link together.

The first mapping is about parks, but after sort out the reasons why people feel anxiety, the last week, so I added it into the mapping and enrich the map.

  • Red note: interactions in the park

  • Green note:Things that make you anxiety

  • Yellow note:The facilities in the park


  • Bringing the abstract element to my design, time should be involved.

  • Sound design is extremely important, which could bring my design to the next level.

  • Transforming the for facilities to the digital world need visual design, and

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