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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 38] FMP: Research about anxiety

Updated: Jan 22, 2021

As I thought both involve qualitative and quantitative, so I first choose a questionnaire and an interview. the aim of the questionnaire is to get a general answer like whether participants would feel anxiety during the phone use, and also carry question like "what context ". By contrast, interviews could get a much deep

understand their ideas.


I made a questionnaire with the aim to understand what contents would make them feel anxious and what kind of social media they usually use.


I designed the following questions. It contains the multiple-choice questions, scoring questions and fill-in-the-blank questions.

As result, I collected the result of 150 people, and 124 copies are valued due to an age limit.

Reasons for anxiety:

main the following reasons:

1. The vibrations, notifications and red dots from the applications.

John Herrman wrote an insightful article for the New York Times Magazine entitled, “How Tiny Red Dots Took Over Your Life” where he talks about the addictive nature of technology. Red dots keep telling you not only that you are missing out on something but how many “somethings” are awaiting you with just a tiny tap.


2. Spend too much time on it (waste of time, worry about physical health).

Gestures like scroll down, tape the screen, Open the Instagram to refresh the updates, zoom in zoom out is very often, sometimes, we don't even realize we are repeating those gesture without a certain purpose.


3. Exposed to the negative news or comments, which is related to the user themselves (emotional investment).


4. Anxiety about the feedback from the others. (like why nobody like my post, refresh to see who liked my posts) “It's a competition to see who looks the happiest.”, besides some contexts make users feel inadequacy about their life statue or appearance.

Some of the content on social media contributes to a positive body image, stress might come from maintaining a large network of Facebook friends, feeling jealous of their well-documented and well-appointed lives, the demands of replying to text messages, the addictive allure of photos of fantastic crafts on Pinterest, having to keep up with status updates on Twitter, and the “fear of missing out” on activities in the lives of friends and family. ——Psychological Stress and Social Media Use


5. Don’t know who is spying their social media, so they will use a Fake account to express themselves.


Interviews started with three main questions:

  1. How long did you spend on your phone!

  2. During the phone use, will you feel anxiety or discomfort? And what kind of information would cause it?

  3. What would you deal with the anxiety caused by phone use?

I interview people on a different scale, like in a group or in pair. To get a different point of view.


  1. Their screen time is from 2hours to 12hours, which is proved by the screen time function on the phone. However, most people would claim that it is between 3 to 4 hours.

  2. They all adopted different measures to deal with it, and one of them already had better control over the phone time.

  3. All the presenters expressed their anxiety when browsing the telephone. One of them mentioned the physical problem(headache) caused by this. This question’s rate is much higher than the data collected from the questionnaire (54%), which I assume is because interviewees had more time to mirror themselves on this problem.

  4. Most people’ anxiety is associated with specific applications, and most of them are from social media. In addition, one of them mentioned that reviewing the increasing screen time is stressful.

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