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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 23&24] Micro UX: Emotional Connections With Satellites

Updated: Jun 29, 2020


In this globalization world, people immigrate from their hometown to another city for a living, according to a recent Gallup World Poll, 1.1 billion people, or one-quarter of the earth’s adults, want to move temporarily to another country in the hope of finding more profitable work. An additional 630 million people would like to move abroad permanently.

Also all of our teammates are from China , but study Master degree in another country, those things made us to think deeper into the emotional connections with satellite .

When we miss home we can make a video call, it is the communication satellites support this behavior.

When we fly back to our hometown, GPS system play an essential role in this scenario.

There were lots of cases like that, make us feel like satellites have superpower to eliminate the geographical barriers.


Zoe asked several people to tell us an unforgettable story that let them think a lot, and focused on the specific behavioural details they have at that moment and asked them how they actually felt about that. We did this because we wanna more details of how homesick influence different people rather than general answer.

  1. “ I don’t like taking pictures at all, and I always tried to store some important moments in my mind. But the interesting thing is that one day I and my mother try to recall a funny story in my childhood. However, we only remember a piece of the fragment of the whole story in our memories. That’s fine because the fragment composes a story of us.

  2. “My grandfather passed away a few years ago, and I've lost a lot of memories about us. I felt regret about that, but I still remember some of the habits my grandfather taught me, such as washing my hands and get changed before dinner. On in this flash, it remains me a bit of my grandpa. ”

  3. “Sometimes I feel homesick when I see pictures of my hometown that my friends send me, I am curious about how they are going and what has changed in my hometown.”

  4. “What I miss most are those special moments that I am not a part of and can’t be recreated such as my friend’s birthdays, watching my brother play in his band, Christmas with the family, my nephew’s first smile.”


-People's emotions are usually triggered by some special memories.

-People are used to recording their memories in different ways, such as using a camera to take pictures and writing diaries in their phones.

-Memories can have an impact on real-life in a subtle way. People enjoy to recall the past and reflect on it, although the future is unknown.

Four emotionally relevant directions

How these superpower effect human emotion? Each of us gave an idea towards different directions which we thought are potential. For better telecommuting during the special time, we decided to do it separately, and then came back to decide the final direction:

  • Carol- Go deeper with the homesick

  • Zoe- Memory

  • Lili- New way to experience the memory

"Memory is closely linked to forgetting. Before the digital era, forgetting was easy, for better or worse. Not only is it biologically in-built to forget, the analogue world around us cannot guarantee that recorded memories will last forever."-Trokia

  • Tracie- Death

Ways to present our ideas

We also thought the possible forms to show our ideas to others based on cases studies.

  • Visualize the invisible connection

  • Take satellites away to experience the satellites

  • Dig out the unexpected connection with satellites

  • Make satellites more tangible

  • Give different satellites a visible identify.

The homesick FM

The homesick FM is our very first idea

when you are in the specific spots, you device will remind you you have been there before, also you can read others' memories as well. In this case, we regard the satellites as a tool that can locate you and your memories.

The satellites scale down the world, so maybe our memories can be review in the global scence.

We draw four dofferent scenarios to explain our idea to other.

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