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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[WEEK 22] Micro UX: Collaboration with Catapult

Updated: Jun 28, 2020

Brief:Design an experience that reveals and explores the everyday

impact of space satellites

Teammates:Zoe, Coral, Tracie, Lili

April 14 - June 15

field research

History of satellite connections with human

 Names like Landsat, GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites), Intelsat and Global Positioning System may not be household words, but they affect humanity in significant ways not always appreciated.

- Steven J. Dick,NASA Chief Historian

As can be seen, the connections between the satellites and human was built step by step, from the military to civilian use.

  • Military satellites——mostly for reconnaissance, defense and intelligence.

  • Commercial satellites -- for communication, entertainment-related purposes, mapping and more.

  • GPS satellites -- for supporting navigations systems.

  • Scientific satellites -- for biological research programs, health care, climate studies, space research, evaluating

By Richard Hollingham (10th June 2013)

He explore a day without satellites, also Tracie, record the times she use satellite, and get an absolute answer, we are exposed ourselves in the power of satellites.

Current usage of satellite

Nowadays, satellites have branched out into more functions, and Zoe did some research about it:

and we classify those as the following usages

  • Culture Impact

  • Educational scenario

  • The Economic rationales of 5G

  • Privacy

  • Manage earth resources

Satelliete and Emotion

Carol found some powerful exist examples of how satellites support our emotions which made our direction more clear.

  • For phonophiles out there, NASA recently launched its own SoundCloud page, filled with fantastic sounds and historic snippets from the US space agency’s 56-year history. The page includes conversations between Earth and the various space shuttles, sounds sent back from distant satellites, and some of the most famous words ever uttered. All the clips are downloadable. NASA even suggests making one your ringtone.

Next week:

we gonna tell our tutors about our direction which is we wanna focus on the emotional aspect, and in next week, we are supposed to grow more knowledge about how satellites support our emotions, and which emotion we should go with.

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