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  • Writer's pictureLijun LI

[week 26] Micro UX: Ideation Sound Related

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

After the meeting, we believed that sound has its own special power, according to the research, a particular sound is coupled with emotional information. Such as a memory of fear that will be w inside the auditory cortex as a bundle. This process allows the sound to acquire an emotional meaning. Both amygdala and auditory cortex decode the affective quality of the voice and that the amygdala not only by extracting the emotional quality from previously processed acoustic

information but also by processing the acoustic information itself (Pannese et al., 2012).

However, it’s still too early to generate specific ideas, lots of things need to be defined in this context, which sound can evoke emotional responses, and when people will miss their family most. So we did some research to figure things out.

Quantitative Research


  • People are most likely to feel homesick on quiet nights.

  • Living places and natural environments make it easier for people to get a homesick feeling.

  • People miss certain sounds from home, and they think these sounds can help them relieve their homesickness

Field research


  • The majority of participants say that the first thing that comes to their mind would generally be their parents/friends, and people who have a close relationship with them.

  • People will associate elements of the surround with the present moment and elements of similar hometown settings. For example, the River Thames - the stream at home.

  • The behavior of people at the moment also affects the ways and objects they miss home. Lying down in the park - hometown seaside.

Case studies

There are already lots of sound maps, based on the locations, or the specific sounds, so how to make it special, and how to connect this with homesick is quite essential. And satellites is our them, how to put satellites in our work to tell people it's the satellite to pass the emotion for our in this globalization world .

Technical problem

Coral is also working on the sound part, we want to record the real-time sound.

Communication is by electromagnetic waves between 3KHz and 300GHz.

  1. TOOLS

  2. Macbook Pro.

  3. Max(Cycling '74) based SDR patch (also available in Pure Data).

  4. Realtek RTL2832U+R820T TV Stick.

Communication is by electromagnetic waves between 3KHz and 300GHz.


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